Thursday, December 22, 2022


Al Barouda Home Appliance Repair Service in UAE

 Al Barouda Home Appliance Repair 

Appliances in the home require frequent maintenance. After a prolonged period of use, household appliances might have technical problems for a number of reasons. Every home appliance has a unique set of upkeep needs. The greatest home appliance services in Dubai are available from Al Barouda, so don't worry if you live in Dubai and an appliance fails. Technical issues exist with every piece of equipment. Al Barouda offers home appliance repair services in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman, United Arab Emirates.

al barouda home appliance repair service

Washing Machine Repair Service Provider in Dubai

There are many modern appliances that come with their own instruction manuals, but some older clothes washers might not. That's where we come in! Regardless of the type of appliance you need to be fixed, our repair company has the expertise and resources to get your appliance up and running again quickly. You can rest assured knowing that we'll always provide excellent service and high-quality repair at a fair price.

When you call a washing machine repair shop, the first thing they will do is ask you what your problem is. This can be useful if they think that your washing machine may have been damaged by an earthquake or something else. The second step in searching for a washer repair company is to research the prices of their services online. It’s always worth checking out reviews from other customers before hiring any type of service provider, and this can help ensure that you are getting exactly what you need at the best possible price. You should also keep in mind that it’s extremely difficult to find someone who offers a fair price without being overcharged or misleading people about their true costs.

repair service

Oven Repair Service By Al Barouda

When your oven breaks down, it can be a real pain. Not only do you have to deal with the inconvenience of not being able to cook, but you also have to find a reputable repair service to fix the problem. If you're looking for the best oven repair services in Dubai, look no further than Al Barouda. Al Barouda is a leading repair company that specializes in all types of ovens, from electric to gas. They provide fast and efficient service, so you can get your kitchen back up and running as soon as possible. We understand that an oven is an essential part of your kitchen, and we will work quickly and efficiently to get it fixed.

This company offers a variety of services, including replacing heating elements-Cleaning and repairing the oven door-Fixing broken thermostats-Replacing burned-out light bulbs no matter what type of problem you're having with your oven, we can help. We're dedicated to providing the best possible service, so you can rest assured that your oven will be repaired properly. If you need oven repair services in Dubai, contact Al Barouda today. We'll be happy to help you get your kitchen back up and running in no time.

7 Tips To Prevent Your Oven From Breaking Down

1. Get your oven serviced regularly - This will ensure that any potential problems are caught early and can be dealt with before they cause serious damage.

2. Clean your oven regularly - A build-up of grease and food can cause problems with the functioning of your oven. Make sure to give it a good clean on a regular basis.

3. Be careful what you put in your oven - Some items, such as foil or plastic, can cause problems if they come into contact with the heating elements. Avoid using these items if possible.

4. Don't overuse your oven - If you use your oven excessively then this can shorten its lifespan considerably. Try to use it only when necessary.

5. Follow the manufacturer's instructions - This may seem like an obvious one but it's important to make sure that you're following the care instructions that came with your appliance.

6. Keep an eye on the door seal - If the door seal is damaged then this can lead to heat escaping from the oven which will put unnecessary strain on the appliance and decrease its efficiency. Make sure to check the seal regularly and replace it if necessary.

7. Use cookware that's appropriate for your oven - Using cookware that's too big or made from materials that aren't suitable for use in an oven can cause problems. Make sure you're using the right size cookware and that it's made from an appropriate material for use in an oven

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Fast Repair Care-Muhammad Hasnain AC Repairing Center

Fast Repair Care is home appliance repair service that offers quick and afforadable repairs for your appliances. We offer AC Repair, Washing Machine Repair, Refrigerator Repair, Dishwasher Repair, Oven and all Cooking Range Repairs. We work with the latest technology and tools to get your appliance back up and running as quickly as possible.
Our operations are extensive, and we have a long list of happy clients. Our clients provide us motivation for what we do and why we do it. Home appliance services become necessary over time when the appliances become broken or out of commission and need to be repaired in order to be used again. Finding a reliable mechanic, electrician, or laborer becomes difficult in such circumstances. In this light, we provide all of our services. You only need to get in touch with us and describe the fault. Our specialist will visit you at home.You can vist them at given address: G7 Shop, G7 Building - Al Karama - Dubai. You also can contact them through call or whatsapp at 052 245 1145

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Acute and Chronic Inflammation


"Some inflammation is good. Too much is often bad. The goal is to recognize when inflammation is simply doing its job, and when it can potentially cause problems."

Acute and chronic

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. People are most familiar with acute inflammation. This is the redness, warmth, swelling, and pain around tissues and joints that occurs in response to an injury, like when you cut yourself. When the body is injured, your immune system releases white blood cells to surround and protect the area.
"Acute inflammation is how your body fights infections and helps speed up the healing process," says Dr. Shmerling. "In this way, inflammation is good because it protects the body." This process works the same if you have a virus like a cold or the flu.
In contrast, when inflammation gets turned up too high and lingers for a long time, and the immune system continues to pump out white blood cells and chemical messengers that prolong the process, that's known as chronic inflammation. "From the body's perspective, it's under consistent attack, so the immune system keeps fighting indefinitely," says Dr. Shmerling.

Get simple tips to fight inflammation and stay healthy -- from experts.
Protect yourself from the damage of chronic inflammation
When this happens, white blood cells may end up attacking nearby healthy tissues and organs. For example, if you are overweight and have more visceral fat cells — the deep type of fat that surrounds your organs — the immune system may see those cells as a threat and attack them with white blood cells. The longer you are overweight, the longer your body can remain in a state of inflammation.
Research has shown that chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Yet, because chronic inflammation can continue for a long time, it's not easy to know its exact impact. "It's a chicken-and-egg scenario," says Dr. Shmerling. "Does chronic inflammation increase the risk of these ailments, or is it a byproduct? It is not always clear."

Make lifestyle changes

Here are some other steps you can take to prevent and reduce chronic inflammation:
  • If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, you may have gum inflammation. Make an appointment to see your dentist for a check-up and step up your oral hygiene.
  • Get your cholesterol tested. High amounts of "bad" LDL cholesterol can lead to an inflammatory response in the arteries and restrict blood flow.
  • Quit smoking. The toxins from smoking have a direct link to inflammation.

When to worry

Most of the time, you don't need to worry too much about acute inflammation, says Dr. Shmerling. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help relieve symptoms, or apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. "Otherwise, it is usually best to let the inflammation do its work to help with healing," says Dr. Shmerling.
Of course, the cause of acute inflammation may need treatment. For example, a bacterial infection may require antibiotics, so if you have a fever or significant symptoms — such as severe pain or shortness of breath — see your doctor.
Chronic inflammation is trickier to deal with. The problem is that chronic inflammation is often "invisible," since it does not show telltale physical signs the way acute inflammation does.
So how can you prevent or reduce inflammation you cannot necessarily see or feel?
The only way to detect chronic inflammation is to have an evaluation by your doctor. He or she will review your symptoms, perform a physical exam, and perhaps check your blood for signs of inflammation. (See "A test for inflammation.")
Otherwise, the best approach is to prevent conditions related to chronic inflammation. "It goes back to the basics: maintaining a healthy weight, choosing a good diet, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly," says Dr. Shmerling.

A test for inflammation

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? A blood test measures a protein produced by the liver, C-reactive protein (CRP), which rises in response to inflammation. A CRP level between 1 and 3 milligrams per liter of blood often signals a low, yet chronic, level of inflammation. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is another blood test for inflammation. It is used for people with inflammatory conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis.

Eat right, move more

Diet and exercise have an especially strong impact on managing chronic inflammation since they both also can help control weight and improve sleep.
The evidence is not clear that a specific type of diet can prevent chronic inflammation. However, certain foods are associated with either promoting or inhibiting the inflammatory response. These foods also are linked to a lower risk of problems related to chronic inflammation, such as heart disease, weight gain, and cancer.
For instance, cut back or eliminate foods high in simple sugars like soda, fruit juices with added sugars, sports drinks, processed meat, and refined carbs like white bread and pasta. "These foods can spike blood sugar levels, which can lead to overeating and weight gain," says Dr. Shmerling.
Also, eat more foods high in the antioxidants known as polyphenols, which can lower inflammation. Examples include all types of berries, cherries, plums, red grapes, onions, turmeric, green tea, and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.
Regular exercise can help protect against conditions linked with chronic inflammation, especially heart disease and obesity. A 2017 study in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity found that just 20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (in this case, walking on a treadmill) can have an anti-inflammatory effect.


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